"Be the change you want to see." – Mahatma Gandhi

Mission and Values
Through bridging the healing and performing arts for social change, our mission is to support, develop and inspire embodied community leaders, artists and activists and to model new educational values and perspectives.
Encouraging co-operative learning, we offer a pathway to living the world we desire by: supporting diversity within ourselves and others, finding inner balance, deepened communication, empowerment and an integration of our reflective and expressive selves.
We aim to provide tools for individuals, groups and entire communities to become aware of our own interconnectedness, to each other and the planet through somatic perception and to assess, interrupt, and transform harmful personal and social patterns.
Now more than ever, MOC feels an urgent necessity to provide tools for individuals, groups, and entire communities to assess our own habits and patterns, embody our actions, deepen our connections and find co-creative solutions in this complex and critical time on our planet.